展览 | "TIME for YOURSELF"
2024年11月6日至11月29日,斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心携手歌德学院隆重推出“TIME for YOURSELF”展览。此次展览将于德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处举行,展出斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心驻留中德艺术家的艺术杰作。 From November 6 to November 29, 2024, the Swatch Art Peace Hotel and the Goethe-Institut are proud to present the exhibition “TIME for YOURSELF”. The exhibition will be held at AKuB, the Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate General in Shanghai, and will feature masterpieces by Chinese and German artists in residence at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. 关于歌德学院 About the Goethe-Institut 歌德学院(Goethe-Institut) 支持全球德语学习,促进国际文化交流,构建起学习、团聚和参与的空间。它作为德意志联邦共和国活跃的全球文化机构,倡导德国、欧洲和世界之间的多样性、理解和信任。 德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处 (AKuB) 负责歌德学院在上海的工作。 The Goethe-Institut supports German language learning worldwide, promotes international cultural exchange, and offers a space to learn, meet up and participate. As the globally active cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, it advocates for diversity, understanding and trust between Germany, Europe and the world. The Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate General in Shanghai (AKuB) is responsible for the work of the Goethe-Institut in Shanghai. 关于斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心 About Swatch Art Peace Hotel 斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心(Swatch Art Peace Hotel )位于中国上海,于 2011 年创立,是面向所有创造性思维的艺术家驻地。世界各地的艺术家可以在此享受自由创作的空间和时间,并在一个由非凡、国际化、创意、挑战性思想组成的动态社区中实现自我发展。自开业以来,该艺术家驻留项目已经接待了来自 59 个国家的 550 多名艺术家。 The Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, China, opened in 2011 and is an artist residency open to all creative minds. It is a place where artists from all over the world enjoy space and time to work in freedom and develop themselves in a dynamic community of extraordinary, international, creative, and challenging minds. Since its opening, the artist residency has welcomed over 550 artists from 59 countries.